We often take our hips for granted. They provide balance and are essential to our ability to walk. Many people experience hip problems as they get older. In this article, we are going to talk about some common hip ailments and the various treatment options (both traditional and regenerative) currently available to patients with hip problems.
Hip pain can develop over time or result from a single incident. Here are a few of the most common hip injuries and conditions:
If you are experiencing pain in your hip, lower back, or legs, you could be suffering from one of the above hip conditions.
Traditional treatments for hip conditions and injuries include physical therapy, pain medications, and surgery. These traditional options have varying rates of success. Hip replacement surgery is an effective option but requires a lot of surgical trauma that can be avoided with other options.
Regenerative therapies for hip pain are relatively new by comparison, but show great success rates and incredible promise. PRP therapy is one such regenerative medicine therapy that provides pain relief and allows patients to avoid hip replacement surgery. The procedure is quite simple and painless – a physician draws a sample of your own blood, separates the platelets and plasma in a centrifuge, and then reinjects platelet-rich plasma into the hip area. These platelets immediately go to work rebuilding damaged tissue, and continue doing so as time goes on. This is a completely natural and effective therapy for hip injuries and conditions.
If you have suffered a hip injury or are living with a painful hip condition, don’t suffer through life dealing with your pain. Take a proactive step and contact a regenerative medicine specialist to talk about how PRP can help reduce your hip pain. Dr. Thorson has successfully treated many patients with hip pain using PRP therapy. Make your appointment with Dr. Thorson today.